9-4 Mr Eardley
Create a purely visual story board that relates in some way to the
'virtual' Fleay’s and Burleigh excursion environments,
whether realistic or purely fantastical.
* Your A3 storyboard must feature at least 4 - 8 different panels
* The majority of your storyboard will need to be hand drawn - can be multi-media, combining drawings and photography and/ or collage.
* The images are to be connected by a narrative – therefore flow visually ( a story – or part of one )
* must also deal with cultural themes, whether personal, political or global
Ryan Summers
The Dead Fish
Coloured pencil on cartridge paper
30 x 50cm
‘The Dead Fish’ a pictorial image that explores the meaning of a curious fish that gets to up close with the pollution in the ocean. The curious fish is undertaken activities that no other fish has taken. The natural scenery of the Burleigh Headlands introduces the meaningful life a fish and how having curiosity can be deadly at times. The scenery slowly shows the mangroves at different angles showing the bending and life of the natural trees. The beautiful vibrant colors of the sunset with the purple and streaks of blue overtaking the natural scenery.
Sam Savill
Coloured pencil on cartridge paper
30 x 50cm
In my artwork ’Contact’ I explored a fantastical storyboard that displays mutations and death among animals as they are exposed to humans and their toxic substances. Creatures are initially introduced in their natural environment, at peace and balance, but the introduction of the human slowly deteriorates the ecosystem. This piece acts as both a warning to humans about their impact, although this shows an explicit example, and as simply an engaging and interesting idea. The artworks shows the drastic effects of a human and our overpowered ability to harm and destroy nature. It was also aimed to show some degree of beauty in nature.
Benedykt Dominikowski
Temporal Feline
Coloured pencil on cartridge paper
30 x 50cm
'Temporal Feline’ is about a cat which moves around a boardwalk, a beach, a coast and the city. It tells a story about an individual that is so polarizing in its worldly conditions; something which does not belong to the place it is in. By using a domestic cat in Australian locations, the cat is made the alien of its place, standing out like white on black. The strong colours of the background and foreground create contrast on this foreign creature and show a progression of movement between more natural environments and more constructed ones. The key theme in this piece is the idea of ‘Strange place, Strange circumstance’ – with this being encapsulated in the cat’s travels around foreign terrain.
Adam Nickalls
Coloured pencil on paper
30 x 50cm
Jackson Amos
Ant Exploration
Coloured pencil on cartridge paper
30 x 50cm
The story of the ant follows how ants lives such basic lives and how they would love to live life, more than on the edge, over the edge ; into the world of thrill-seeking adventures - jumping through the skies and enjoying their life to the fullest.
‘Ant Exploration,’ shows the true qualities of an ant and its emotions on what a real thrill-seeking and adventuristic life would be like for an ant.
Clay Hindmarsh
‘Wood in all forms’
Coloured pencil on cartridge paper
30 x 50cm
‘Wood in all forms’ is a visually exploring piece of art that shows how wood and nature are two key parts of each other and how they go hand in hand. In the art work I have cast a tree that is looking into a wooden deck that was made from a close-by tree and now has to stare at it.
Caden Miller-Wright
“Feels Like Summer”
Coloured pencil on cartridge paper
30 x 50cm
My artwork “Feels Like Summer,” uses coloured pencil to create vibrant colours to follow the story of a surfer’s mission to catch a wave. I included use of shadows, colour blending and many perspectives to create this story. Many people enjoy and take comfort in the warmth of summer, the comforting feel of sand under their feet, the serenity of the beach, and the refreshing hug of Gold Coast’s warm beach waters. Many people like to escape the city to a blissful peace and experience the flora and fauna of Burleigh Heads.
My work is an examination of different aspects of this serene environment. I use natural objects as the common denominators of this environment of a beach in Burleigh heads. Basing the artwork around a storyline to encapsulate the reader in a short story of a surfer’s mission, out past the break, till eventually catching a wave.
Jack Parkinson
The crab pursuit
Coloured pencil on cartridge paper
30 x 50cm
The artwork ‘The crab pursuit’ is meant to demonstrate the natural wonder of Burleigh Headland as well as following the story of the bird's hunt for the crab. Both these animals, native to Burleigh Headland, bring the artwork into the audience's perspective of the natural side of the headland and a use of bright and vibrant colours to demonstrate the beauty. The audience also gets a sense of the litter that effects the headland as seen in the story board the crab gets stuck in a fishing net carelessly left behind by humans. Overall, the artwork is supposed to present the audience with the natural wonders of Burleigh Heads and its wildlife but also the influence humans are having on the environment.
Cody Wood
Ripple of Uniqueness
Coloured pencil on cartridge paper
30 x 50cm
“Ripple of Uniqueness” is drawn with coloured pencil on cartridge paper. The presents the story of a bird, which sees a butterfly on the water, and eats said butterfly. However, I made the decision to draw the butterfly in a unique manner, using bright colours in contrast to the rest of the piece’s darker colours. I did this to show the tendency in life for those that are unique to be ‘brought down’, or in this case consumed, by the rest of society and nature.
Jeffrey Warren
Coloured pencil on cartridge paper
297 x 420 mm
We are just a small piece in one very large puzzle, everyday we do our part in the system. Sometimes we think that it is just us making our way through an endless maze of possibilities like this ladybug making their way through its own little maze, but we tend to forget that the world outside of our little bubble keeps on moving even when we stop, like the log continuously making its way down the winding river. This artwork’s intention is to remind people that we are often blinded by the walls (problems) around us, and we forget that our lives are one of 7.9 billion and unfortunately however much progress we make in our maze will never really be enough to change the tide.
Luke Franks
The responsible thing
Coloured pencil on cartridge paper
36 x 42 mm
With climate changing and animals dying all the trash laying around is a real hazard. Unlike humans, this bird is taking the initiative to put the rubbish in the bin as the humans that let that trash get there just let it stay there for many years to come and potentially hurt an animal. The real meaning behind this is that animals don’t want your trash in their habitat.
Stephen Eardley
Past and present
Coloured pencil on cartridge paper
30 x 50cm
‘Past and present’ visually explores the idea of the first nations people inhabiting the same natural landscape that is remnant today. The ghostly silhouettes within the environment indicate activities undertaken in the past and offer a mirror to the same spaces used in the present. The six frames show three distinct water environments – the mangroves, river and ocean. The natural systems were and still remain important for hunting, gathering and recreation.
9-6 Mr Faen
Create a purely visual story board that relates in some way to a range of different environments, whether realistic or purely fantastical.
* Your A3 storyboard must feature at least 4 - 8 different panels
* The majority of your storyboard will need to be hand drawn - can be multi-media, combining drawings and photography and/ or collage.
* The images are to be connected by a narrative – therefore flow visually ( a story – or part of one )
* must also deal with cultural themes, whether personal, political or global